FAQ (Physical Sun Lotion)

1. Should I apply Physical Sun lotion indoors?
Even indoors, if you are still exposed to sunlight when you stay by the window, there is still a need for sun protection. In addition , sun protection is needed if the indoor light is too strong.
2. Should I apply Physical Sun Lotion during winter?
Yes, because ultraviolet rays are everywhere, sun protection is required regardless of the weather and seasons. Clouds can't block UVA ultraviolet rays, which may easily cause skin tanning or cause skin aging, loss of elasticity and other problems.
3. How many and how thick should I apply for it to be effective?
For the face area, the amount of application is about the size of a ten yuan coin, and pat evenly to each part. If the dosage is reduced, the effect will also be affected.
4. When should I reapply?
There is no absolute standard, mainly depending on the speed of sunscreen to lose. If you are engaged in outdoor activities for a long time, the sunscreen will be lost due to sweating or other reasons. You need to reapply or replenish the sunscreen in about 2 hours.
5. How to have sun protection when I’m sweating?
If you are engaged in water activities, sun lotion that has no waterproof effect will easily be washed away, so it is necessary to reapply frequently. If you are sweating, you can wipe off the sweat, or use absorbent tissue to lightly press the face and absorb oil before applying sun lotion.
6. Does it need to be specially removed?
You should clean it at night if you apply it during the day. Physical Sun Lotion is not a makeup type sun lotion so there is no need for special removal. Adults can cleanse it with facial cleanser while children can use only water for cleansing.
7. How to prevent getting whitened after applying Physical Sun Lotion?
In fact, the amount and uniformity will be affected. It is recommended to apply small amounts multiple times, to help it evenly distribute on the skin.
8. How old the baby should be to be able to use the Physical Sun lotion?
The skin of a new born baby is not well developed yet, at this stage, it is recommended to cover the baby to avoid sun exposure. You can start applying it on after six months to enhance the protective effect.
9. Would it cause a bad effect to the skin with its high SPF value?
No, it mainly depends on the ingredients. Physical Sun Lotion added natural and organic ingredients and has passed the test of an international third-party recognized laboratory, so it does not cause skin troubles even with SPF 50+.
10. Can it be used for sensitive skin, Rosacea or Atopic dermatitis?
Yes, it uses pure physical sunscreen ingredients, which are safe, stable, gentle, non-irritating, and without any chemicals. Therefore, it is suitable for all skin types.
11. Which part can be apply with Physical Sun Lotion?
It can be used on both body and face. It can be applied directly on the face and body of the Infants and children. One bottle can be used for multiple purposes to form a protective barrier.
12. When is better to apply before going out?
Chemical sunscreen needs to be applied  20 minutes before for it to be effective, but Physical Sun Lotion does not require waiting time, it is effective as long as it is applied on the skin surface. However, it is still recommended to start applying 10-15 minutes before going out.